Hello! Welcome back to another new series of blogs which will walk through the development of a cinematic game currently being created for a University assignment. This game is being created in a team of 4 and is heavily focused on the cinematic side of games. One of the biggest new things for me will be the addition of cutscenes which I have not done before. This will be a learning curve but let's get started.
Final Cutscene
The final cutscene consists of Theodore on the floor, defeated after being overwhelmed by Kage's minions, and talking to Kage while his family are taken to hell by Kage's minions. The way this cutscene is made is very similar to cutscene 2 but includes a few more markers for different elements of the cutscene. These markers were used for enabling another portal and disabling Kage's minions, Isabelle and Timmy once they had walked through portal to give the illusion of them being transported to hell. A marker at the very end of the cutscene (not pictured below) calls the main menu script function to load the main menu scene which essentially ends the game and allows the player to replay or quit.
Cutscene 3 Minion's escorting Timmy and Isabelle into portal
A look at how audio was implemented can also be seen in the image below where there are 3 audio sources which are all the same audio source but placed 3 times to allow multiple audio clips to be played ontop of each other. The second audio source is playing a strong wind clip which lasts for the majority of the cutscene while also having other audio being played on the same audio source but at a different position on the timeline. The first audio source is playing voice lines and some sound effects while the wind noise is alsao active. The final audio source is playing other sound effects ontop of this. With the right volume modifiers, all of these clips do not overpower each other and all fit well ontop of each other without being too loud or too quiet. This was difficult to achieve and took a lot of runs watching through the cutscene to ensure that there was a good balance of audio as well as lining up correctly with the other animations in the timeline. The final cutscene can be seen in the video linked at the bottom of this blog.
Cutscene 3 Timeline
The Team
The team has been fantastic to work with on this project and have all put in a lot of effort to get this protoype to where it is through all aspects of it. I am glad to have worked with this team for the final group assignment of this course and they have made it enjoyable throughout the year. Now to share the final gameplay!
Here is the full walkthrough of the completed game including all cutscenes and gameplay segments! Note: End of Act 1 has been changed to End of Prototype.
Unlisted YouTube Full Walkthrough
This concludes the final blog in this series. Thanks for reading and I hope you stick around for the rest of the currently ongoing projects!