Hello! Welcome to another new series of blogs which will walk through the development of a cinematic game currently being created for a University assignment. This game is being created in a team of 4 and is heavily focused on the cinematic side of games. One of the biggest new things for me will be the addition of cutscenes which I have not done before. This will be a learning curve but let's get started.
The Beginning
The first thing the team did at the start of the project was to decide what type of game to make. The team were all in agreement very quickly to create a third person game of some sort and ended up deciding on a shooter. After brainstorming many different ideas about the theme of the game and what the story would be about and after about two hours of discussions, the team came to an agreement to make a game about demons rather than a non fiction route as there was a higher interest in this style of writing.
Over the next week, the team continued to brainstorm ideas about where and when the game was going to be set, as well as what specific part was going to be prototyped for the assignment as the assignment only required one section of the story to be made into a game. However, the whole story of the game was still to be written to ensure it is complete and well thought through. Eventually it was decided to prototype the very beginning of the game as well as through to the second act. This was decided because as the team thought this section provided a good amount of gameplay as well as the ability to make a good few cutscenes to compliment each section.
During the last week, a team member began creating the map for the game. This includes the main house of the game using assets from the Unity Asset Store. Below is a screen shot of Theodore's bedroom who is the main character of the game. The other parts of the house are still in early stages as can be seen in the second screen shot below. A future blog will show the house in more detail.
Theodore's Bedroom
Early stages of the house
Current Cutscene Ideas
The current idea for cutscenes is to have one right at the start of the game where Theodore will have just woken up and his wife (who we have not named yet) will be calling him downstairs for breakfast. Theodore will then have to go and collect his son (who we have also not named yet) from the garden and bring him to breakfast. After this cutscene, the player will gain control of Theodore and will have to do as his wife said - go and find their son in the garden. After this, there will be another cutscene where Kage (the main villain) comes and kidnaps Theodore's wife and child.
This will then lead to the second part of the game which is a flashback sequence where Theodore and his team are going to fight Kage in his base as members of Theodore's team has been captured and held hostage there. The gameplay section will be fighting through Kage's army to reach the base. Once reached, the final cutscene will play where Theodore finds out that all of his team have been killed by Kage and then Theodore will kill Kage. This would conclude the prototype.
Another team member has been creating the gameplay mechanics and currently they have created the player character of Theodore who can move around the world and is animated. He also has a weapon and is able to shoot and pick up ammo from ammo crates. They have also began creating enemies and have currently made enemies dressed in an army uniform for use in the battlefield cutscene and gamplay segment. They also shoot at the player and are using the same weapons currently. A short minute of gameplay can be found at the link below.
This concludes the first blog in this series. I will put out another one once we get further into development. I will be creating the cutscenes for this game so look forward to that. Thanks for reading and I hope you stick around for the next one!