Hello! In this blog, I will talk about the finally completed inventory system. It took longer than expected but at least now it is finally fully functioning and it is relatively easy to create new items to store in it.
The inventory uses a similar system to the buffs and debuffs system in terms of how items for it are created. There is a base test item master class from which the other items are created from as child objects. This makes creating new items much easier with repeating attributes being transferable such as the icon, item data component, and the functionality to display the items name in game when looked at. Currently, placeholders are being used for the objects themselves and a suitable asset will be used later.
Items Folder
Items on the floor
Items in chest
Currently, there are three items that are able to be stored in the inventory. This is because the idea behind the inventory has changed. Originally, it was intended to be used to store two weapons along with other miscellaneous items which would be bandages, medkits or some sort of distraction item such as a rock. This changed during development as it made more sense to be able to always hold two weapons by holding one and having another on the character;s back. Now the inventory has been repurposed for storing small items such as bandages or medkits, traps such as rocks and other things which will be added at a later date. As you can see from the image above, the 3 current icons used for bandages, medkits and painkillers in that order and under this text you can see painkillers being used which heal the player once every second 5 times to a max of 100hp.
Painkiller Use
The inventory is opened using the 'I' key which then shows the grid at the top left of the screen. This is subject to change as I think it would be better for it to appear above the level indicator to make it easier to get to rather than having to drag to the top left of the screen. I will do some testing to see which I prefer and then will ask my peers. Currently, the player has 5 slots to work with. Different items can stack to different amounts. For example, medkits don't stack so two medkits would take up 2 slots which can be seen below. Stack sizes are subject to change.
Inventory Grid
AI Hearing
Another part of the project which has been altered is the hearing sense of the AI. The range at which they can hear has been drastically increased to allow for the implementation of bullet sounds reporting a noise event. Bullets specifically will be talked about in the next blog, but this meant that I had to go through and adjust all of the ranges at which noise events were reported by actors such as puddles, footsteps and lights. This took some time as I had to experiment with new ranges at which I wanted the audio to be heard by the guards so that they would go and investigate. I believe that they are now in a good place however, further testing will be required when a new map is created and the placement of guards will be more spaced out.
Another addition that has been added is the cloaking ability. This allows the player to become invisible for 5 seconds and have muted footsteps a total of 3 times. This will most likely be reduced to only be available once and increase to 3 charges through levelling up/upgrading as it is currently a very strong ability. It is currently activated with 'K' which again is likely to change. A UI element will be made at a later time to display the ability to the player along with how many charges are left to use. As you can see in the second GIF, as soon as the ability wears off, the player is immediately spotted again.
Ability in use
This concludes the inventory system, AI hearing, and cloaking post. The next blog will be about weapon advancements as this is what I'm currently working on after a short break. If not the weapon advancements, then look forward to a surprise.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next blog which will release soon!