Hello! This is a continuation from the last blog form which I have made a lot of progress on various features of the game which I will talk through in the next few blogs.
To continue from last time, I have created a weapons system which allows the player to hold a primary and secondary weapon with one weapon equipped and the other on the player's back. They can be switched between each other by using the scroll wheel on the mouse. They can be dropped by pressing G and picked up when close enough to them and having the prompt show up to pick up by pressing F and being the correct level to have the weapon unlocked. Currently, each weapon has its own damage and ammo count which will be expanded to also include weapon attachments such as scopes, a flashlight and suppressors which will all be player level unlocked. Headshots currently one shot kill at all ranges which will likely be changed to include one shot headshot range values for all weapons as it is currently too strong. All weapons are also currently semi-auto but a fully automatic option will be added later.
Currently there are 5 weapons in the game. These are not the same as what I have outlined in my proposal and are likely to change if I am able to find other weapon models. I have one other weapons pack in mind but I have yet to add it into the project. If not, I will simply change the stats of the weapons to act as what I want. For example, the ASVAL currently has 20 bullets and does 50 damage a shot. This weapon is most similar to what a semi-auto marksman rifle/sniper rifle would be although I will lower the ammo count. Even though it is a small weapon, I will still likely use it as the sniper class weapon. The other weapons and the unlock order for all weapons are as follows:
Currently the player level starts at 0 which will most likely change to start at level 1 as it makes more sense. The order the weapons unlock is also very likely to change to reflect earlier renditions of the level unlocks as well as incorporating weapon attachment unlocks which would shift where and when each item unlocks.
Reloading, Firing, Ammo count bottom right.
The ammo count is shown in the bottom right corner of the screen. When you switch guns, the ammo count will update to the ammo of the weapon you are currently holding. If you currently have no weapon equipped, the weapon widget will not be visible to prevent a slash from being on the screen at all times. Once a weapon is picked up, it'll be set to visible as it now has something to display. It will be updated in the future to include an image of the weapon you are holding as well as the name to make it clear which weapon is being used.
Reloading two weapons, differnet ammo counts
One Shot Headshots
This GIF is showing off being able to kill in one shot with a headshot. You can also see that the level at the bottom is increasing with every kill. Currently headshot kills award a 1.25x multiplier to EXP earned on a kill with the default being 100 therefore the level is increasing quicker than normal.
AK47 current variables
Here you can see that each weapon has an unlock requirement, damage stat, different magazines and a state of being dropped or equipped. Currently there are no attachments on any of the weapons but will be added soon. These are likely to change throughout development and more variables to be added here such as range. I would also like to add a recoil system in the future.
The next blogs will be a direct continuation from this blog and will be uploaded over the next few days. They will show off buffs, debuffs, zooming in, saving and loading and more. I have a lot to show and will likely split these into separate blogs to avoid making a singular blog too long.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next blog which will release soon!
Weapon Models: Deadghost Interactive (2018) FPS Weapon Bundle. Available at: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/fps-weapon-bundle (Downloaded: 07 December 2022).