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Mobile Game - Destruction + Hints


This is the second in a series of blogs catered to discussing the progress of a game being developed by 4 individuals for mobile using Unity. In this project, the role of coding the base mechanics of the game has been given to Pratik.

The destruction of matched ores has been added which consists of two main functions which are 'DestroyMatches' and 'DestroyMatchesAt'. These are called when a match of 3 or more have been made. The smaller of the two functions cycles through every ore on the board and sends its position over to the second function which then checks to see if any of them are matched. If there are 4 or 7 matched, it will spawn in a powerup which can be seen in the second GIF below. This powerup will destroy entire rows or columns when it is matched. After this, it checks if a breakable tile needs to break as well as if a goal has been met (not yet implemented completely) in which case the tile would take damage. After this, a new particle game object is instantiated at the location of the matched ores to create a destruction effect giving the player feedback. The score is then increased and the list of ores 'allMinerals' has the position of the ones just destroyed set to null to show they are empty and need filling.

A match and unmatches
Matching GIF

The 'HintScript' is used to generate hints for the player in case they get stuck or haven't made a move in a while. As you can see in the GIF, there is a green pulsing circle which guides the user to where a possible move is by not directly telling them which piece to move. In the case in the GIF, it did choose the correct ore to move however it could also have chosen the blue ore above it to create the hint on. It does this by finding all the possible matches on the board and adding them to a list of possible moves. A random ore is then picked from this list and a hint effect is instantiated to the location of the chosen ore.

The current ore sprites have been updated to reflect the new ones created by the team designer. The dynamite row and column image will be updated once the design has been created.


Hint Creation: Mister Taft Creates (2018) Part 31: Generating a Hint - Make a game like Candy Crush using Unity and C#. Available at: (Accessed: 14 October 2022).

Destroying Matches: Mister Taft Creates (2017) Part 9 - Destroying Matches: Make a Game like Candy Crush in Unity using C#. Available at: (Accessed: 08 October 2022)

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